Saturday, May 12, 2018

HCV therapy and risk of liver cancer recurrence: who to treat?

Article shared and download by Henry E. Chang on Twitter

Nature reviews gastroenterology & hepatology
HCV therapy and risk of liver cancer recurrence: who to treat?
Massimo Colombo and Vincenzo Boccaccio
The advent of potent and user-friendly direct- acting antiviral agents (DAAs) to treat HCV infection has inflated the expectations that the control of such a potentially lethal disease is now possible. The scrutiny of the huge database of the Veterans Affairs practice has provided unequivocal proof that eradication of HCV with DAAs is attainable in almost all patients with any stage of infection, even in the presence of multiple comorbidities (such as obesity, alcohol abuse and diabetes), resulting in a substantial decline of short- term mortality and de novo hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development 1 , 2 . Yet, an area of uncertainty remains regarding the safety and efficacy of these innovative therapies in patients with liver cancer who have already received anticancer therapy.

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Recommended Reading
May 4, 2018
High efficacy of direct-acting anti-viral agents in hepatitis C virus-infected cirrhotic patients with successfully treated hepatocellular carcinoma
This large real-life study proves that the efficacy of DAA in cirrhotic patients is not impaired by successfully treated HCC.

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