If the liver was a machine that exists in our modern world, it would be the embodiment of the perfect workhorse. It will be able to work 24/7 with little rest, juggle multiple tasks at the same time, and regenerate parts that are old or damaged so they will continue to work at peak performance, day in, day out.
And that's not all. If there is a greater demand of its services, it will be ready to work harder to take on the challenge.But while the liver's ability to regenerate itself when damaged can be a blessing, it can also be a curse, because when it has trouble recovering from damage, or coping with the demands placed on it, you can not really feel it.
Late Stages

How do the cells in the liver become cancerous?

What are the types of liver cancer?
If the cancer starts in the cells of the liver, it is called primary liver cancer. However, the 4 types of primary liver cancer are categorised according to the types of cells that become cancerous first.
The most common form of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) begins in hepatocytes, the main type of cells in the liver. Others begin in the cells in the bile duct (cholangiocarcinoma), and very rarely, blood vessels in the liver (angiosarcoma or hemangiosarcoma). When it happens to children under the age of 4, it is called hepatoblastoma

What are the causes?
Most of the causes of liver cancer are those that cause long term damage to liver cells. As acute infections such as Hepatitis A do not affect the liver in the long term, it does not result in chronic liver disease, hence it is not a risk factor for liver cancer. While chronic infection of viruses such as Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the more common causes of liver cancer, chemicals that cause cancer (carcinogens) and alcohol can also cause it. However, in most of Asia, chronic HBV infection is the main cause of liver cancer. You will also have a higher risk of developing liver cancer if you smoke, are obese, diabetic, or have a history of cirrhosis (when your liver has been scarred by chronic disease).
Are there any early symptoms?
Before looking at the symptoms, it is good to note that liver cancer affects more men than women, usually in their 40s to 50s. Worldwide, men who are diagnosed with liver cancer outnumber women 3 to 1.Unfortunately, many people do not experience signs or symptoms in the early stages of liver cancer.But as the cancer progresses, some may notice some of the following symptoms :* Weight loss* An ongoing lack of appetite* Feeling very full even after a small meal* A hard lump on the right side just below the rib cage* Pain around the right shoulder blade* Yellow-green colour to the skin and eyes (jaundice)* Discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen on the right side* Unusual tiredness* NauseaAs these symptoms are non-specific and can be caused by many health problems other than liver cancer, it is always wise to consult your doctor to have them checked out.
Are blood tests useful in detecting early liver cancer?
Blood tests, like liver function tests (which tests for proteins produced by the liver and enzymes found in the liver) and tumour markers can be used to detect changes in the liver that may indicate the presence of liver cancer. However, they are not very reliable.As the test results could be influenced by other factors as well, most of the time, a doctor needs to investigate the abnormal blood test results further with ultrasounds, MRI, and CT scans, or biopsies to determine the presence of a cancerous growth in the liver

Who do you see when your blood tests are abnormal?
It depends on the type of blood test. If they are liver function tests, all doctors should be able to advise you. But if they are serology tests for hepatitis infections, your doctor might refer you to another doctor who specialises in liver diseases (hepatologist).Also, if your doctor suspects you may have liver cancer, he or she will also refer you to a cancer specialist (oncologist). Nevertheless, your best bet is to visit your family doctor or a general practitioner first, because he or she will be able to treat you or advise you on which doctor to see next, whether it is a hepatologist or oncologist.
Are surgery and chemotherapy the only treatment options for liver cancer?
How do I prevent liver cancer?
As chronic hepatitis B infection is the main cause of liver cancer here in Asia, the best way to prevent it is to get vaccinated against it.
But what if you are already infected with the HBV or HCV?
The answer is to get your liver monitored regularly (about every 6 months) by your doctor to detect liver cancer early if it develops. (Not all people who are infected with the viruses develop liver cancer.) Of course, by reducing all other risk factors, including obesity, diabetes, smoking, and alcohol consumption, you will also reduce your chances of developing liver cancer.
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