Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Impatient patients turn to online 'buyers club' for new drugs

Also Read:
Hepatitis C Patients Are Being Forced Into Underground Buyers’ Clubs
October 2, 2018 | Elizabeth Brico
These buyers’ clubs operate by taking advantage of personal importation laws, which vary by country. For the U.S. that means buyers must import less than a three-month supply, and they cannot sell or distribute the medication. An added provision that a medication must be unavailable domestically leaves the legality of these practices in somewhat of a gray area .

Oct 3, 2018
Impatient patients turn to online 'buyers club' for new drugs
Ben Hirschler
LONDON (Reuters) - Frustrated by delays in new medicines reaching their own country, a small but growing number of patients are turning to an online broker that bills itself as a legal version of the Dallas Buyers Club. 

While regulators warn of the risk of buying drugs online, the Amsterdam-based Social Medwork sees its network of trusted suppliers as filling a gap in the market for the latest drugs against diseases such as cancer, migraine and multiple sclerosis. 

Read the article:

On This Blog
The controversy over expensive new drugs for hepatitis C
Link to a collection of research articles addressing the high cost of HCV medications, insurance restrictions; private insurers/Medicaid and availability of generic versions/India, Egypt and other lower-income countries, or through online "buyers clubs".

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