February 2014
Hepatitis Newsletters
It's almost Valentine's Day folks, will you be purchasing any flowers and candy for that someone special next week? Retailers hope so, the holiday is a billion dollar business, this year consumers will spend close to $1.66 billion on candy, according to an article over at Huffington post.
The Ten Dollar Liver
Just in time for Valentine's Day, a chocolate liver, waiting to quiver, is available on Craigslist. Apparently, the owner went a bit crazy and ordered too many chocolate organs, the site now aspires to sell all fifteen liver looking Valentine treats over the next week. One wonders if all fifteen "Valentine Livers" aren't sold, could they, would they, will they be re-purposed for Easter?
Speaking of chocolate livers, did you see the article published in the January 2014 issue of Journal of Hepatology? Researchers suggest drinking more coffee and eating more chocolate - just may be associated with lower levels of liver enzymes in persons living with HIV and hepatitis C.
“Our results provide the first evidence that daily chocolate intake and, more generally, polyphenol rich food intake, may contribute to decreased AST [aspartate aminotransferase] and ALT [alanine aminotransferase] levels and potentially improve liver function in HIV-HCV coinfected patients,” the researchers wrote. “They also suggest that polyphenols contained in coffee, but also in cocoa, can be involved in the causal process, which leads to reduced inflammation.”
Read a short summary published December 2013 online at Healio, or the full article in the Journal of Hepatology.
February newsletter Updates
Added February 20, 2014

If you are a baby boomer, you are at risk for hepatitis C. Of the more than 3 million Americans who have hepatitis C, more than 75% were born between 1945 and 1965.

Our core programs are tailored for people of all ages, whether they are living with or at risk for liver disease. The American Liver Foundation® (ALF) implements a variety of education programs about liver health and wellness and ways to prevent, treat and live with liver disease.
Viral Hepatitis Treatment Choices Initiative
Focusing on hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, this program is offered to hospitals, detox centers, prisons and community-based organizations that provide services for addiction and substance abuse. It covers information about the liver, disease risk factors, prevention, coping with the challenges of living with a hepatitis virus and advances in treatment. ALF provides resources and educational materials to help individuals understand how they can go about seeking the treatments they need.
We have many more programs, including those on the local level through ALF’s 16 division offices located throughout the country. For more information about our national and regional programs, call us at 1-800-GO-LIVER (1-800-465-4837).
On January 23, 2014, more than 300 people tuned in to the American Liver Foundation's webinar on hepatic encephalopathy (HE); the first of a four-part webinar series ALF will be presenting on a variety of liver disease topics.
Thirty people from around the country ran nearly 754 miles collectively and raised $106,944 to support the American Liver Foundation®. The ALF Liver Life Challenge®, part of the annual Walt Disney World® Marathon Weekend, took place January 8-12th in Orlando, Florida. Proceeds benefit ALF's national and regional programs.
Check Us Out On Twitter and Facebook
Other Updates:
Source - Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News
The combination of daclatasvir plus asunaprevir, both manufactured by Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), looks poised to gain approval in Japan for treating patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b infection. Experts speculate that BMS will seek approval in the United States for this drug combination at a later date, but with the addition of a third drug, BMS-791325, and for an overall genotype 1 indication.
Over the next five years, a whirlwind of new direct-acting antiviral agents for hepatitis C are expected to get the green light from the FDA. The recent approval of simeprevir and sofosbuvir–containing regimens is only the tip of the iceberg.
Following the FDA’s recent announcement that it is asking physicians and other health care professionals to stop prescribing combination drugs that include more than 325 mg of the analgesic and fever reducer acetaminophen, medical professionals, journalists, patients and members of the general population alike took to the Web to weigh in on the ruling.
Take your time and browse through this month's informative HCV Newsletters, filled with liver health, research and current news for people treating and living with the hepatitis C virus.
HCV Advocate newsletter is a valuable resource designed to provide the
hepatitis C community with monthly updates on events, clinical research,
and education
HCV Advocate Newsletter
In This Issue:
HCV Drug Development News
Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
This month's column features the latest information about drugs in
development to treat hepatitis C, including impressive results from two
articles from the New England Journal of Medicine—AbbVie's
interferon-free study and the controversial Gilead and BMS study.
Included are pieces about the latest combination trials, and a very
interesting drug that may be a one-shot cure—although it is just
entering into studies with humans.
Lucinda K. Porter, RN
There are two sides to every drug and this applies to acetaminophen, in many ways a wonder drug!
HCV and Hispanics – Prevalence
Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief
Finally a study that breaks down the prevalence of HCV in the
United States by country of origin instead of lumping everyone under one
Jacques Chambers, CLU
When it comes to disability it is very important to know exactly
where you stand especially prior to applying for disability benefits.
Jacques outlines the information about presumptive disability programs.
Lucinda K. Porter, R
In this month's column, Lucinda reviews studies on the prevalence
of HCV, a study on the impact of treatment with sofosbuvir/ribavirin on
quality of life, as well as an eye-opening study on the manufacturing
costs of sofosbuvir, simeprevir, daclatasvir and faldaprevir.
Christine Kukka
In this month's column Chris reviews the following studies that will help you understand the complexities of hepatitis B, including:
In this month's column Chris reviews the following studies that will help you understand the complexities of hepatitis B, including:
Tests for Antigens and Drug-Resistant Virus Emerge as Valuable Diagnostic Tools
Experts Issue a Report Card on Side Effects from Antivirals
Experts Weigh in on Why They Prefer Either Antivirals or Interferon
Doctors Explain Which Medical Guidelines They Follow, Or Ignore
Truvada Effective in Lowering Viral Load in Young Adults with High Viral Load
Hepatitis B Causes Most Liver Cancer Deaths in China
Smoking Shortens Survival after Liver Cancer Surgery
Connect With HCV Advocate
HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society
February Newsletter (PDF)
The hepc.bull, has been “Canada’s hepatitis C journal” since the late 1990′s and has been published nonstop since 2001. The monthly newsletter contains the latest research results, government policy changes, activities and campaigns you can get involved in, articles by patients and caregivers, and a list of support groups plus other useful links.
Read and Sign the HCV MANIFESTO!
Show your support for the rights of HCV+ people to live free of discrimination and to access appropriate healthcare.
In This Issue
Gilead Canada's "Momentum" program being set up to enable access to sofosbuvir
In Memorium: Keith Jewell
Mixing and matching HCV drugs from different pharmaceutical companies
Percuro Clinic:Neighbours helping neighbours
Update on "Dale" - patient from rural BC awaiting liver transplant
Preparing for Marathon
Guided Autobiography and Body Mapping Project
Conferences, Medication Assistance, Compensation
HCV Support Groups in Canada
Download February Newsletter Here
Stay Connected
NYC Hep C Task Force
The New York City Hepatitis C Task Force is a city-wide network of service providers and advocates concerned with hepatitis C and related issues. The groups come together to learn, share information and resources, network, and identify hepatitis C related needs in the community. Committees form to work on projects in order to meet needs identified by the community.
NYC Viral Hepatitis Monthly E-Newsletter
February 2014 NYC Hep ABC Newsletter
In This Issue
Hepatitis C: Policy, Action, and What it Means for Communities of Color.
February 13 (3 PM ET)
Presenters: Colleen Flanigan, NYS DOH; Oscar Mairena, NASTAD & Tracie M. Gardner, Legal Action Center.
Improving Health Care of Drug Users
Training (CASAC). February 21st (1-4 pm). Harm Reduction Coalition Training Institute.
Effective Leadership
Training. March 7th.10th. Harm Reduction Coalition Training Institute.
NYS Hep C & Harm Reduction Legislative Advocacy Day.
March 12th, Albany. Get Involved.
International Conference on Viral Hepatitis (ICVH)
(CME). NYC. March 17-18.
NY Hep C ‘Baby Boomer’ Testing Law is in effect!
NYS Hepatitis C Testing Law. 2171 requires healthcare providers to offer hep C test to baby boomers. Requires full diagnostic testing for those who screen anti-body positive and either follow-up health care or referral to a health care provider who can provide follow-up health care.
See new Frequently Asked Questions document from NYS Department of Health.
And more.......
Click here to start reading....
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Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI)
The Hepatitis Foundation International is dedicated to liver health and the prevention of liver related diseases. We inform and educate by making available reliable and up-to-date facts. We want you to make well-informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones' health and well-being. We are proud to present this website as your personal Internet gateway to hepatitis information and liver care.
The Hepatitis Foundation
International is proud to offer this series of very special stories
about the people involved in the fight against hepatitis and other
liver-related diseases.
You will learn about the courageous lives of people personally affected by the ravages of hepatitis.
You will find
uplifting stories of how people engage in the daily fight to bring
widespread awareness to the importance of liver health...
What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You
What we don’t know, costs American's billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year.
Billions are being spent caring for chronic liver related
diseases that are preventable. Ignorance about the important role the
liver plays in converting the food we eat into hundreds of life
sustaining body functions is causing untold suffering and an enormous
burden to our national health care system. Who is responsible for this lack of basic knowledge?
Information about the liver has been absent from school
curricula for decades. Ignorance is a major contributor to the
unintentional development of liver related illnesses later in life.
Preventable chronic diseases that depend on healthful selection of foods
include: diabetes, obesity, fatty liver, high cholesterol,
atherosclerosis, strokes and cardiovascular disease.
We have all heard messages promoting diets that include the
basic food groups, vegetables, leaner cuts of meat in smaller portions,
and fewer sugary drinks for decades. Most people are aware that fatty
foods can add inches to their waist lines. What they don’t know is that
fatty liver disease is caused by an accumulation of excess fats in
liver cells, the chemical converters in their liver. Fats cause cells
to swell up and die. Dead liver cells are called cirrhosis. Add a few
glasses of wine a day. Breathe in pollutants and possible exposure to
the hepatitis viruses through tattoos or body piercings. Add exposure to
hepatitis through unprotected sex, more dead liver cells…more
However, information to enable everyone to make healthful
informed decisions about their own health is missing. Sadly,
individuals unknowingly continue laying the groundwork for future
chronic debilitating diseases.
Someone you love could end up with too few healthy liver
cells causing the liver to shut down. When your liver shuts down, so do
you. Tragically, this can happen without warning of trouble as the liver
is a non complaining organ.
How can we expect individuals to make healthful food and
lifestyle choices when they are totally unaware of the impact bad
choices can have on their future health? We cannot change what we don’t
Chubby babies, overweight children and obese adolescents
should set off an alarm that liver health education must begin on day
one of our lives. We have made sure our astronauts have a healthy diet
while circling the earth. We need to put as much emphasis on helping
children to know why and how to protect their precious liver. By making
healthy food and lifestyle choices as children, many debilitating liver
related chronic illnesses could be prevented.
Let’s fill the gap. Surveys show that individuals who learn
about the liver are motivated to avoid liver damaging behaviors. Liver
health education is most effective when it begins in pre K and continues
through high school. Where else can we reach a large captive audience
when they are receptive to learning?
An investment in prevention through liver health and wellness education can begin saving lives and healthcare dollars today.
For additional information or if you have questions, contact info@hepatitisfoundation.org .
Stay Updated
Caring Ambassadors Hepatitis C
The Caring Ambassadors Hepatitis C Program (CAP-Hepatitis C) is a national non-profit organization devoted exclusively to meeting the needs of the hepatitis C community.
The Caring Ambassadors Program mission is to help improve the lives of those affected by long-term diseases through advocacy, information, and support.
Monthly Pubmed Review of the most relevant research on hepatitis C.
View All Monthly Literature Reviews At CAP Hepatitis C Literature Review
Hepatitis C news, is an online community for those living with hepatitis C. Join us for news, views and features about hep C, read the real-life experiences of our guest bloggers, and learn about living well with the condition.
New In February @ Hepatitis C News
Hep C and Liver Transplants
February 5th, 2014 For patients with advanced hepatitis C-related liver disease, liver transplants can offer a second chance of recovery for people whose condition has significantly deteriorated.
News Video
Published on Jan 27, 2014
Another monthly dose of all things
hep C! This time around we take a look at new legislation in New York
that legalizes the use of marijuana for chronic hep C, the growing craze
of tattoo parties and the realities of sex and dating with the virus.Check out
Hepatitis C News YouTube Channel
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Canadian Liver Foundation
News Updates
Canadian Liver Foundation’s Newsroom
The Livewell newsletter is distributed 4x per year. Please click here to fill in the form and we will be happy to add you to our subscriber list!
CLF updates you and interacts with you on all things liver
Stay Updated
GI & Hepatology News
GI & Hepatology News is the official newspaper of the AGA Institute and provides the gastroenterologist with timely and relevant news and commentary about clinical developments and about the impact of health-care policy. The newspaper is led by an internationally renowned board of editors.
January Issue - Please Check Back
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Bloggers Corner
Hepatitis C News -Bloggers
Hear from our community of bloggers
Our growing team of contributors from around the world who share their experiences of hep C is a really valuable part of our online community.
Hepatitis C and Exercise
Hepatitis C and Exercise, What are the recommendations? Dr. Joseph Galati M.D. a Hepatologist from Houston, Texas shares valuable information on how we can improve our health and take care of our liver through proper exercise.
Dark chocolate benefits for the liver
Chocolate has been known uplift the spirit – but what great news that it’s good for our liver too! Dark chocolate, in particular, contains rich antioxidants that help cleanse the liver and control blood pressure, which is important for people suffering liver cirrhosis
Opening Doors to the Latest Hepatitis C Drugs
Lucinda K. Porter, RN
Recommendations for "Testing, Managing,
and Treating Hepatitis C" carry huge weight, as many medical providers
use this expert advice in their own practices. The Recommendations offer
all-oral interferon-free alternatives for all genotypes except genotype
5 and 6 hepatitis C patients.
Of Interest
Genotype: Hepatitis C Treatment
News and research is offered on this page with a focus on treatment options for HCV genotypes 1-6 , including FDA approved drugs, and investigational agents currently in clinical trials. Information is extracted from news articles, peer-reviewed journals, as well as liver meetings/conferences, research manuscripts and interactive learning activities
Hepatitis C Guidelines: The Right Treatment, For the Right Person, For The Right Amount Of Time
Dr Michael Charlton, medical director of Intermountain Medical Center's Transplant Program talks about the new national guidelines issued this week to manage and treat the hepatitis C virus The new guidelines will have a complex algorithm for practitioners around the country to follow and see whats the right right treatment, for the right patients, for the right about of time.
The Mediterranean Diet For Liver Disease
There are few things about which I am obsessive, one is bedbugs, the other is dieting.
Clinical research has demonstrated adhering to a diet plan with foods named in the Mediterranean diet may help preserve memory as we age, reduced both liver fat and inflammation, help protect against liver cancer, may have potential benefits for people chronically infected with hepatitis, reduce the risk for diabetes, heart attack and stroke
Healthy Liver - Healthy Digestion
Did you know in the absence of severe liver damage - no diet for people living with hepatitis C is recommended. However, eating the right foods, careful weight management including exercise can improve overall liver health and aid in digestion. This section of the website offers a quick glance at the above topics with a focus on digestion and a somewhat familiar disorder called Functional Dyspepsia (FD). The medical term simply means - bad digestion, the symptoms vary but are frequently described as a full or bloated feeling after eating. An article provided below about managing FD from Harvard Health offers insight into the uncomfortable disorder which apparently has no clear identifiable cause, or cure.
Health Sites Worth The Click
A monthly newsletter from the National Institutes of Health, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
In This Issue
February Features
Stop the Spread of Superbugs
Antibiotics can destroy many types of bacteria that can make us sick. Sadly, our overuse of antibiotics is helping to create new drug-resistant “superbugs” that are difficult to defeat.
Read more about drug-resistant bacteria.
Gripped by Gout Avoiding the Ache and Agony
Sudden, painful swelling at the base of the big toe is often the first warning sign of gout. It can affect other joints as well. The good news is, most types of gout are treatable, especially if caught early.
Read more about gout.
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ACP Internist provides news and information for internists about the practice of medicine and reports on the policies, products and activities of ACP
Current Issue - February 2014
Look for reasons if patients refuse advice
Refusal can be frustrating for physicians, who likely see their medical advice as contributing toward healing and improving quality of life. But patients reserve the right to make informed decisions about their care, even if these decisions run counter to what’s been recommended.
Psoriasis symptoms can be tough to address
A recent survey showed that many psoriasis patients are not satisfied with their care, reporting inadequate relief from such symptoms as itching and scaling. Learn more about clues to diagnosis and suggestions on treating and managing symptoms of both mild and more severe disease.
Home stool test will detect most colorectal cancers
Fecal immunochemical tests (FITs) have high accuracy, high specificity and moderately high sensitivity and can detect about 4 out of 5 colorectal cancers, according to an evidence review.
Washington Perspective
Why 2014 may be a make-or-break year for health reform
2014 is shaping up to be a critically important year in determining whether the country moves forward or backward on expanding health insurance to 30 million uninsured persons and providing better consumer protections for many millions more.
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Stay safe and healthy, see you soon.
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