Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hepatitis C Morning News; Ohio VA hospital has resulted in 9 patients testing positive for hepatitis

Scope pointed out an article over at Time entitled "Healing the Hurt," by writer Alice Park covering chronic pain; an issue so many with HCV are all too familiar with. In other news, sadly the scandal at the Ohio VA hospital has resulted in 9 patients testing positive for hepatitis. Out of the 375 patients tested so far, seven tested positive for hepatitis C and two for hepatitis B. There were no patients that tested positive for HIV. The infections resulted because of a dentist who failed to change gloves and sterilize instruments properly between patients. Reuters reported on a study recently published in the journal Gastroenterology which found "people who have gallstones are more likely to die within 20 years of diagnosis than people without the disease."
Quoted from yesterdays blog post : "Scientists at the UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute have discovered how a change in growth hormone activity in mice leads to fatty liver disease, a condition whose human counterpart is of rising concern worldwide."
New at Medcape comes a report from the German study which shows that teens and young adults who started using Marijuana early in life have an increased risk of having psychotic experiences in subsequent years. Also at medscape the blogger Cole Petrochko was inspired by an article in the New York Times about the newest breakfast menu at McDondalds. Check out his blog and read his take on breakfast at the golden arches. I am running late this morning for my lunch date with my momma, but before I go I thought you may enjoy this video I found while hanging out at Scope this morning;

A look at the many strange effects of placebos.
Created by:Daniel Keogh -

Have a wonderful afternoon folks.

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