Wednesday, March 21, 2018

We Must Eliminate Hepatitis C - A Virus Affecting The Most Marginalised
Eliminating Hepatitis C in England
The report of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Liver Health on hepatitis C elimination is now available "here."

For more information on hepatitis C, including information about risk factors and how to get tested, please visit

We Must Eliminate Hepatitis C - A Virus Affecting The Most Marginalised
Urte Macikene
Hepatitis C is not a visible virus. It disproportionately affects disadvantaged and marginalised communities, with almost half of people who attend hospital for hepatitis C coming from the poorest fifth of society. People living with hepatitis C often experience few obvious symptoms, and 40-50% of the estimated 160,000 with hepatitis C in England are unaware they are infected, though the virus can lead to fatal liver cirrhosis and cancer. Those most at risk of transmission from blood-to-blood contact are already from marginalised groups less likely to have a strong voice, including people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, and migrant communities from endemic countries. When compared to HIV, also a blood-borne virus with similar transmission routes, awareness of hepatitis C is exponentially lower.
Today, a new report by a cross-party group of MPs and peers sets out the road to elimination in the exceptional context of this deadly virus now being fully curable with easily deliverable, highly cost-effective medicines....

Recommended Reading
Report from the APPG on Liver Health urges national action to eliminate hepatitis C
England currently has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to eliminate a major public health threat if a national elimination strategy can be agreed, according to the report of an inquiry conducted by a cross-party group of MPs and peers out today.

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