Risk Of Developing Liver Cancer After HCV Treatment

Friday, December 26, 2014

December Issue HCV Next - Diabetes and HCV: Unraveling a Complicated Relationship

Diabetes and HCV: Unraveling a Complicated Relationship

Hello folks, hope you all had a lovely holiday. The following articles appeared in the December 2014 print edition of "HCV Next" published online at "Healio."

"HCV Next" offers information on a range of topics, which include HCV diagnosis, new combination therapies, side effects, drug/drug interaction, guidelines, and more.

A few topics from the December issue is provided below, please click here to view the complete table of contents....

5 Questions
What area of research in hepatology most interests you?
There is little mystery that HCV therapy has been central to my career. Beginning with recombinant interferon trials for HBV and NANB in the mid-80s, to the discovery of HCV by Chiron in 1989, through multiple clinical trials in the 1990s and early 2000s, and finally to the miracle of direct-acting antiviral agents over the past decade, it has been a phenomenal ride. I have been awed by the courage of my patients who suffered through the interferon days, and now join them in their joy at being cured without interferon. The past 25 years have witnessed a remarkable success story — one with industry and academic centers cooperating to bring this miracle to millions of patients...

Case Challenges
An Overlooked Overlap Syndrome
Neha Nigam, MD; James H. Lewis, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF
A 24-year-old white female with hepatitis C virus from IV drug abuse, depression and herpes simplex virus infection was referred to the liver clinic by her primary care doctor due to significant interim elevations in her liver-associated enzymes from a normal baseline 6 months earlier.

Cover Story
Diabetes and HCV: Unraveling a Complicated Relationship
Some research suggests that curing HCV would reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, that controlling diabetes would improve HCV outcomes, and that adequately treating one condition would allow the other to be more manageable. In conflict with those studies, recent study data published in Hepatology suggested no association between HCV and diabetes.

A Still-Unraveling Connection Creates Heated Debate
In a time when the obesity epidemic is blossoming into a diabetes epidemic, it becomes harder to distinguish the impact of a disease like HCV on patients with diabetes or even those at risk.

In the Journals
Depression, Illness, Uncertainty Evident in Chronic HCV Patients on Watchful Waiting
Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus on watchful waiting showed evidence of illness uncertainty and depressive symptoms; however, these were not correlated with any reassuring histological data, according to study results.

Survival Among HCV Patients with SVR Reaches that of General Population
The life expectancy of patients with hepatitis C virus infection and advanced hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis who achieved sustained virologic response was comparable with that of the general population, according to a research letter published in JAMA.

Specialists Anticipate Preference for Newly Approved Combination to Treat HCV
Surveyed specialists said they would prescribe ledipasvir-sofosbuvir to a high proportion of patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1, according to results of a survey conducted by Decision Resources Group.

The Take Home
The Liver Meeting 2014
HCV Next had the opportunity to sit down with leading experts in the field while onsite at The Liver Meeting. They each provided insight into the data presented and how it will impact care of patients with HCV

Vantage Point: Transplantation
Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus remains the leading indication for liver transplantation in the United States. As the prevalence of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma attributed to HCV infection are expected to rise during the next 2 decades, HCV will continue to be a major source of morbidity and will contribute to a growing health care burden associated with advanced chronic liver disease.

Click here to read the December issue of HCV Next...........

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