Risk Of Developing Liver Cancer After HCV Treatment

Monday, November 5, 2012

Radio host - 15-year anniversary today of a successful liver transplant

Radio show host calls organ donors heroes
K100's Steele in 15th year of new life

Harvey Steele had turned yellow.
The year was 1997, and the Toledo radio personality didn’t feel great. His appearance changed, too. He was bloated and had gained so much weight in his lower gut that his children began calling him Buddha. Then, in early August he noticed something else.

“I looked in the mirror, and my eyes had turned yellow,” Mr. Steele said.

The following days and months would alter his life. Doctors said hepatitis C--contracted through a tainted blood transfusion for a bleeding ulcer that occurred 12 years before--was destroying his liver. He needed a new one.

Today, he marks the 15th anniversary of a successful liver transplant and the fresh start made possible through organ donation.

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