Risk Of Developing Liver Cancer After HCV Treatment

Friday, October 1, 2010

HCV/Genotype 1 Enhanced Population In The US

Surveillance data presented at the recent 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Treatment success is relatively low for hepatitis C infections genotype 1.

Data were drawn from cases of HCV infection reported in 2009 to health departments in Connecticut, Minnesota, 34 counties in New York State, and New York ,.

Cases were de-duplicated locally and submitted to CDC as part of an enhanced, population-based surveillance project. .

Standard demographic and select clinical characteristics were collected for each case defined on the basis of a valid value for at least one of the following tests: recombinant immunoblot assay, HCVRNA, screening test positive signal to cut off ratio, or genotype. .

Frequencies of cases were described by site, age, sex, race/ethnicity, and country of birth. .


How Many Confirmed Cases Of HCV .

A total of 16,620 confirmed cases of HCV infection were reported by the participating sites..

The Four Sites

A total of 16,620 confirmed cases of HCV infection were reported by the 4 sites;

of these, 3,081 (18.5%) had a genotype result. .

Of the 3,081 cases, 62.2% were reported from NYC

20.2% from NYS

15.5% from MN

and 2.1% from CT


Genotype 1 Was The Most Common at Around 73%,

Geno 1- 73.3% were genotype 1 (range by site 64.6%-77.5%)

Geno 2-11.9% were genotype 2 (10.2%-16.6%)

Geno 3- 11.6% were genotype 3 (8.0%-18.5%)

Geno 4,5, or 6- 3.3% were genotype 4, 5, or 6


Age Among cases with genotype 3,

A higher percentage was observed among adults aged 18-39 years old (16.6%) compared to those aged 40-59 years old (11.9%) and those aged more then 60 years of age(5.5%)


Genotype 1 Frequency In Ethnic groups,

The frequency of genotype 1 was highest

among non-Hispanic blacks (90.7%)

followed by Hispanics (78.7%),

and non-Hispanic whites (68.1%). ;

Most Genotypes 1 , 2 , and 3 Where US Born

Most cases with genotypes 1 (87.4%)

2 (81.2%)

3 (70.8%) were US bornl

But most people (71.4%) with genotype 4 and all those with genotype 6 were foreign-born.

Conclusions: In 2009, there was limited variability in genotype by geographic area, but surveillance is needed as more persons are screened and those with HCV infection are referred for medical care including treatment.


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