Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can Fish Oil Cause Colon Cancer/A Study

Today Science Daily published an article on Fish Oil and Cancer. Fish oil is a supplement used primarily for joint health, but has other benefits. In this article; research at the "Michigan State University" published a study in the journal of "Cancer Research" that found mice developed cancer (late-stage colon cancer) when given high doses of fish oil. Also mentioned in the article was that it only took four weeks for the tumors to develop.

"Our findings support a growing body of literature implicating harmful effects of high doses of fish oil consumption in relation to certain diseases," Fenton said. "Currently, there is a call by academics and the food industry to establish dietary guidelines for omega-3 consumption. This is primarily motivated by the fact that most Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and there is substantial evidence supporting the beneficial effects of the consumption."The findings were surprising, specifically because DHA has been shown to have some anti-inflammatory properties, according to Fenton: "We hypothesized that feeding fish oil enriched with DHA to mice would decrease the cancer risk; we actually found the opposite. These mice were less equipped to mount a successful immune response to bacteria that increased colon tumors."


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